Tuesday, 2 July 2019

EVE SANITARY PAD advertising mistake advertise by selam tesfay

Advertising  is the most important  to selling  product  and services  by using  different media, like  print, on line,, broadcast etc...  and in different media product or services  advertise by testimonial ,ordinary people  or famous artist to attract consumer attitude.

    I  criticize  eve sanitary pad advertising  in this  advertising found  both strong and weak side but  the mistake  of  the  advertising  is more  greater than  strong  side. However, the video showed  the beautiful city of HAWASSA and almost  all of  its qualities. the  pretty birds, the famous fish  fries that are mostly eaten there.  the  beautiful  lake  that surrounds  the city. The quality of the video  was splendid. The audio of the women was clear,famous and informational.

    but,The  video, 90% of it, has  nothing  to  do with  what the main  purpose  of  the video to begin with. The  information they gave about the product was false and  misinforming  according to research made from  most women. The clothing that the women ware was  absolutely wrong according to the  situation which  was a long white dress. The fact that  she was wearing that  riding abike was unrealistic and unconventional. in this  advertising  the whole video was mostly  about the city and, not about product.generally  this advertising  using exaggerated  words.

  finally  in my opinion  this advertising  correcting by  first  avoid  unnecessary  style to growth  strong side. The advertising focus on  product  advantage  but, not use exaggerated words.

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